
(Free) Lean Change in Action - Stories from the Field

Wed, 22 Nov 2017 18:00 - 18:30 JST


Stories give meaning to change and help make sense of what’s working and what’s not. Lean Change from the field builds on our previous webinar on how to make time for change.

Case studies per se are not particularly helpful. The reason they are so prevalent is human beings crave certainty. Re-framing is a great way of having a different perspective. So instead of case studies think about sharing experiences and sparking conversations through stories. This is a great way to gain insight. You can then decide how you apply what you’ve learnt.

In this talk we’ll explore more about lean change through different perspectives through story-telling. Encouraging you to share and explore your insights so that you develop an explorer’s mindset to change.


You’ll hear from three different perspectives how Lean Change has been applied, what happened as a result and the insights that followed from exploring a different approach to change.

You’ll take away ideas about how you can create your own Lean Change exploration toolkit and discover how to practice a growth mindset to developing your organisation.

Join us for a free 30-minute webinar where we reveal more of the Lean Change tools so that you can start your Lean Change practices one step at a time!


  • Introduction – Lean Change, Agile and Organisation Development
  • Lean Change in Action: Stories from the field
  • Q&A

About the presenters:

Charlotte Mawle

Charlotte Mawle is a dedicated change professional with over 20 years’ experience in Australia, France, the UK, and USA.
Charlotte is passionate about ‘doing change differently’ and a strong supporter of leading and ‘managing’ change using tools from many disciplines including Agile, with a focus on co-creation and continuous feedback.

She believes that the key to future success is improving the capacity of organisations to embrace change and deliver effective organisational transformation.
Charlotte is a Lean Change Management facilitator, Prosci® certified Change Manager and a NLP Practitioner and Level 1 Meta Coach.

Ro Gorell

Ro Gorell is a change strategist and coach specializing in getting the best out of change because in a disruptive world no organisation can afford to rest on previous success.

She helps clients to create their own change framework blending tools, techniques and methods from: change management, project management, neo-behaviourism (how to create habits) LEAN change and Agile as well as programme management.

Ro is the author of several books:

  • 50 Top Tools for Coaching* 1st ed.2009, 2nd ed. 2012, 3rd ed.2015
  • How to Create a Coaching Culture​* 2014
  • Group Coaching: A Practical Guide to Optimising Talent In Any Organisation​ 2013
  • Are They On The Right Bus? The 55-Minute Guide to Talent Management" 2011

*co-authored with Gillian Jones



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Modern Change Practices for Today`s Organizations In an ever changing world, organisations that can adapt will not only survive, but thrive. This group explores how to create a systems based appr...

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